MongoDB's RBAC support class extending BaseManager

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Here's a possible implementation for MongoDb of the RBAC standard. Create a class "MongoDbManager" in `common\components and modify your params.php` file like this:


and the actual class is:

namespace common\components;

use yii\base\InvalidCallException;
use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
use yii\di\Instance;
use yii\mongodb\Connection;
use yii\mongodb\Query;
use yii\rbac\Assignment;
use yii\rbac\BaseManager;
use yii\rbac\Item;
use yii\rbac\Permission;
use yii\rbac\Role;
use yii\rbac\Rule;
use Yii;

class MongoDbManager extends BaseManager
	 * @var string|Connection
	public $mongodb='mongodb';

	 * @var string $itemChildCollection
	public $itemChildCollection='rbac.item.child';

	 * @var string $itemCollection
	public $itemCollection = 'rbac.item';

	 * @var string $itemCollection
	public $ruleCollection = 'rbac.rule';

	 * @var string $assignmentCollection
	public $assignmentCollection = 'rbac.assignment';

	 * Initializes the application component.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation by establishing the database connection.
	public function init()
		$this->mongodb = Instance::ensure($this->mongodb, Connection::className());

	 * Returns the items of the specified type.
	 * @param integer $type the auth item type (either [[Item::TYPE_ROLE]] or [[Item::TYPE_PERMISSION]]
	 * @return Item[] the auth items of the specified type.
	protected function getItems($type)
		$query = (new Query)
			->where(['type' => $type]);

		$items = [];

		foreach ($query->all($this->mongodb) as $row) {
			$items[$row['name']] = $this->populateItem($row);

		return $items;

	 * Adds an auth item to the RBAC system.
	 * @param Item $item can be either Item or Rule
	 * @return boolean whether the auth item is successfully added to the system
	 * @throws \Exception if data validation or saving fails (such as the name of the role or permission is not unique)
	protected function addItem($item)
		$time = time();
		if ($item->createdAt === null) {
			$item->createdAt = $time;
		if ($item->updatedAt === null) {
			$item->updatedAt = $time;

				'type' => $item->type,
				'description' => $item->description,
				'rule_name' => $item->ruleName,
				'data' => $item->data === null ? null : serialize($item->data),
				'created_at' => $item->createdAt,
				'updated_at' => $item->updatedAt,

		return true;

	 * Returns the named auth item.
	 * @param string $name the auth item name.
	 * @return Item the auth item corresponding to the specified name. Null is returned if no such item.
	protected function getItem($name)
		$row = (new Query())->from($this->itemCollection)
							->where(['name' => $name])

		if ($row === false) {
			return null;

		if (!isset($row['data']) || ($data = @unserialize($row['data'])) === false) {
			$row['data'] = null;

		return $this->populateItem($row);


	 * Updates an auth item in the RBAC system.
	 * @param string $name the old name of the auth item
	 * @param Item $item
	 * @return boolean whether the auth item is successfully updated
	 * @throws \Exception if data validation or saving fails (such as the name of the role or permission is not unique)
	protected function updateItem($name, $item)
				'type' => $item->type,
				'description' => $item->description,
				'rule_name' => $item->ruleName,
				'data' => $item->data === null ? null : serialize($item->data),
				'created_at' => $item->createdAt,
				'updated_at' => $item->updatedAt,

		return true;

	 * Removes an auth item from the RBAC system.
	 * @param Item $item
	 * @return boolean whether the role or permission is successfully removed
	 * @throws \Exception if data validation or saving fails (such as the name of the role or permission is not unique)
	protected function removeItem($item)

		]],['upsert'=>false, 'multi'=>true]);



		return true;

	 * Adds a rule to the RBAC system.
	 * @param Rule $rule
	 * @return boolean whether the rule is successfully added to the system
	 * @throws \Exception if data validation or saving fails (such as the name of the rule is not unique)
	protected function addRule($rule)
		$time = time();
		if ($rule->createdAt === null) {
			$rule->createdAt = $time;
		if ($rule->updatedAt === null) {
			$rule->updatedAt = $time;

				'data' => serialize($rule),
				'created_at' => $rule->createdAt,
				'updated_at' => $rule->updatedAt,

		return true;

	 * Removes a rule from the RBAC system.
	 * @param Rule $rule
	 * @return boolean whether the rule is successfully removed
	 * @throws \Exception if data validation or saving fails (such as the name of the rule is not unique)
	protected function removeRule($rule)

	 * Updates a rule to the RBAC system.
	 * @param string $name the old name of the rule
	 * @param Rule $rule
	 * @return boolean whether the rule is successfully updated
	 * @throws \Exception if data validation or saving fails (such as the name of the rule is not unique)
	protected function updateRule($name, $rule)

		$rule->updatedAt = time();

			'name' => $rule->name,
			'data' => serialize($rule),
			'updated_at' => $rule->updatedAt,

		return true;

	 * Returns the rule of the specified name.
	 * @param string $name the rule name
	 * @return Rule the rule object, or null if the specified name does not correspond to a rule.
	public function getRule($name)
		$row = (new Query)->select(['data'])
						  ->where(['name' => $name])
		return $row === false ? null : unserialize($row['data']);

	 * Returns all rules available in the system.
	 * @return Rule[] the rules indexed by the rule names
	public function getRules()
		$query = (new Query)->from($this->ruleCollection);

		$rules = [];
		foreach ($query->all($this->mongodb) as $row) {
			$rules[$row['name']] = unserialize($row['data']);

		return $rules;

	 * Checks if the user has the specified permission.
	 * @param string|integer $userId the user ID. This should be either an integer or a string representing
	 * the unique identifier of a user. See [[\yii\web\User::id]].
	 * @param string $permissionName the name of the permission to be checked against
	 * @param array $params name-value pairs that will be passed to the rules associated
	 * with the roles and permissions assigned to the user.
	 * @return boolean whether the user has the specified permission.
	 * @throws \yii\base\InvalidParamException if $permissionName does not refer to an existing permission
	public function checkAccess($userId, $permissionName, $params = [])
		$assignments = $this->getAssignments($userId);

		return $this->checkAccessRecursive($userId, $permissionName, $params, $assignments);

	 * Performs access check for the specified user.
	 * This method is internally called by [[checkAccess()]].
	 * @param string|integer $user the user ID. This should can be either an integer or a string representing
	 * the unique identifier of a user. See [[\yii\web\User::id]].
	 * @param string $itemName the name of the operation that need access check
	 * @param array $params name-value pairs that would be passed to rules associated
	 * with the tasks and roles assigned to the user. A param with name 'user' is added to this array,
	 * which holds the value of `$userId`.
	 * @param Assignment[] $assignments the assignments to the specified user
	 * @return boolean whether the operations can be performed by the user.
	protected function checkAccessRecursive($user, $itemName, $params, $assignments)
		if (($item = $this->getItem($itemName)) === null) {
			return false;

		Yii::trace($item instanceof Role ? "Checking role: $itemName" : "Checking permission: $itemName", __METHOD__);

		if (!$this->executeRule($user, $item, $params)) {
			return false;

		if (isset($assignments[$itemName]) || in_array($itemName, $this->defaultRoles)) {
			return true;

		$query = new Query;
		$parents = $query->select(['name'])
						'children' => [

		foreach ($parents as $parent) {
			if ($this->checkAccessRecursive($user, $parent['name'], $params, $assignments)) {
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Returns the roles that are assigned to the user via [[assign()]].
	 * Note that child roles that are not assigned directly to the user will not be returned.
	 * @param string|integer $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @return Role[] all roles directly or indirectly assigned to the user. The array is indexed by the role names.
	public function getRolesByUser($userId)
		if($userId instanceof \MongoId){
			$userId = (string)$userId;

		$assignments = (new Query())

		$roles = [];
		foreach ($assignments as $row) {
			$roles[$row['item_name']] = $this->getItem($row['item_name']);
		return $roles;

	 * Returns all permissions that the specified role represents.
	 * @param string $roleName the role name
	 * @return Permission[] all permissions that the role represents. The array is indexed by the permission names.
	public function getPermissionsByRole($roleName)
		$childrenList = $this->getChildrenList();
		$result = [];
		$this->getChildrenRecursive($roleName, $childrenList, $result);
		if (empty($result)) {
			return [];
		$query = (new Query)->from($this->itemCollection)->where([
			'type' => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION,
			'name' => array_keys($result),
		$permissions = [];
		foreach ($query->all($this->mongodb) as $row) {
			$permissions[$row['name']] = $this->populateItem($row);
		return $permissions;

	 * Returns all permissions that the user has.
	 * @param string|integer $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @return Permission[] all permissions that the user has. The array is indexed by the permission names.
	public function getPermissionsByUser($userId)
		if($userId instanceof \MongoId){
			$userId = (string)$userId;

		$permissions = (new Query)
			->where(['user_id' => (string)$userId])

		$childrenList = $this->getChildrenList();
		$result = [];

		foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
			$this->getChildrenRecursive($permission['item_name'], $childrenList, $result);

		if (empty($result)) {
			return [];

		$query = (new Query)->from($this->itemCollection)->where([
			'type' => Item::TYPE_PERMISSION,
			'_id' => array_keys($result),
		$permissions = [];
		foreach ($query->all($this->mongodb) as $row) {
			$permissions[$row['name']] = $this->populateItem($row);
		return $permissions;

	 * Returns the children for every parent.
	 * @return array the children list. Each array key is a parent item name,
	 * and the corresponding array value is a list of child item names.
	protected function getChildrenList()
		$query = (new Query)->from($this->itemChildCollection);
		$parents = [];

		foreach ($query->all($this->mongodb) as $row) {
			$parents[$row['name']] = $row['children'];

		return $parents;

	 * Recursively finds all children and grand children of the specified item.
	 * @param string $name the name of the item whose children are to be looked for.
	 * @param array $childrenList the child list built via [[getChildrenList()]]
	 * @param array $result the children and grand children (in array keys)
	protected function getChildrenRecursive($name, $childrenList, &$result)
		if (isset($childrenList[$name])) {
			foreach ($childrenList[$name] as $child) {
				$result[$child] = true;
				$this->getChildrenRecursive($child, $childrenList, $result);

	 * Adds an item as a child of another item.
	 * @url
	 * @param Item $parent
	 * @param Item $child
	 * @throws \yii\base\InvalidParamException
	 * @throws \yii\base\InvalidCallException
	 * @return bool
	public function addChild($parent, $child)
		if ($parent->name === $child->name) {
			throw new InvalidParamException("Cannot add '{$parent->name}' as a child of itself.");

		if ($parent instanceof Permission && $child instanceof Role) {
			throw new InvalidParamException("Cannot add a role as a child of a permission.");

		if ($this->detectLoop($parent, $child)) {
			throw new InvalidCallException("Cannot add '{$child->name}' as a child of '{$parent->name}'. A loop has been detected.");



		return true;

	 * Removes a child from its parent.
	 * Note, the child item is not deleted. Only the parent-child relationship is removed.
	 * @param Item $parent
	 * @param Item $child
	 * @return boolean whether the removal is successful
	public function removeChild($parent, $child)

		return true;

	 * Returns a value indicating whether the child already exists for the parent.
	 * @param Item $parent
	 * @param Item $child
	 * @return boolean whether `$child` is already a child of `$parent`
	public function hasChild($parent, $child)
		return (new Query)
				'_id' => $parent->name,
				'children' => ['$in'=>[$child->name]]
			->one($this->mongodb) !== false;


	 * Returns the child permissions and/or roles.
	 * @param string $name the parent name
	 * @return Item[] the child permissions and/or roles
	public function getChildren($name)
		$query = (new Query)
				'_id' => $name,

		$result = $query->one();

		$children = [];

		if($result !== false && !empty($result)){
			foreach ($result['children'] as $child) {
				$children[$child] = $this->getItem($child);

		return $children;

	 * Assigns a role to a user.
	 * @param Role $role
	 * @param string $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @return Assignment the role assignment information.
	 * @throws \Exception if the role has already been assigned to the user
	public function assign($role, $userId)
		if($userId instanceof \MongoId){
			$userId = (string)$userId;

		$assignment = new Assignment([
			'userId' => $userId,
			'roleName' => $role->name,
			'createdAt' => time(),

				'user_id' => $assignment->userId,
				'item_name' => $assignment->roleName,
				'created_at' => $assignment->createdAt,

		return $assignment;

	 * Revokes a role from a user.
	 * @param Role $role
	 * @param string|integer $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @return boolean whether the revoking is successful
	public function revoke($role, $userId)
		if($userId instanceof \MongoId){
			$userId = (string)$userId;

		return $this->mongodb->getCollection($this->assignmentCollection)->remove([

	 * Revokes all roles from a user.
	 * @param mixed $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @return boolean whether the revoking is successful
	public function revokeAll($userId)
		if($userId instanceof \MongoId){
			$userId = (string)$userId;

		return $this->mongodb->getCollection($this->assignmentCollection)->remove([

	 * Returns the assignment information regarding a role and a user.
	 * @param string|integer $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @param string $roleName the role name
	 * @return Assignment the assignment information. Null is returned if
	 * the role is not assigned to the user.
	public function getAssignment($roleName, $userId)
		$row = (new Query)->from($this->assignmentCollection)

		if ($row === false) {
			return null;

		return new Assignment([
			'userId' => $row['user_id'],
			'roleName' => $row['item_name'],
			'createdAt' => $row['created_at'],

	 * Returns all role assignment information for the specified user.
	 * @param string|integer $userId the user ID (see [[\yii\web\User::id]])
	 * @return Assignment[] the assignments indexed by role names. An empty array will be
	 * returned if there is no role assigned to the user.
	public function getAssignments($userId)
		if($userId instanceof \MongoId){
			$userId = (string)$userId;

		$query = (new Query)
			->where(['user_id' => (string)$userId]);

		$assignments = [];
		foreach ($query->all($this->mongodb) as $row) {
			$assignments[$row['item_name']] = new Assignment([
				'userId' => $row['user_id'],
				'roleName' => $row['item_name'],
				'createdAt' => $row['created_at'],

		return $assignments;

	 * Removes all authorization data, including roles, permissions, rules, and assignments.
	public function removeAll()


	 * Removes all permissions.
	 * All parent child relations will be adjusted accordingly.
	public function removeAllPermissions()
		$type = Item::TYPE_PERMISSION;
		$names = $this->getAllItemsName($type);


	 * Removes all roles.
	 * All parent child relations will be adjusted accordingly.
	public function removeAllRoles()
		$type = Item::TYPE_ROLE;
		$names = $this->getAllItemsName($type);




	protected function getAllItemsName($type)
		$items = (new Query)
			->where(['type' => $type])
		$names = [];
		foreach($items as $item){
		return $names;

	 * Removes all auth items of the specified type.
	 * @param integer $type the auth item type (either Item::TYPE_PERMISSION or Item::TYPE_ROLE)
	 * @param array $names
	protected function removeAllItems($type, array $names)



	 * Removes all rules.
	 * All roles and permissions which have rules will be adjusted accordingly.
	public function removeAllRules()

	 * Removes all role assignments.
	public function removeAllAssignments()

	 * Populates an auth item with the data fetched from database
	 * @param array $row the data from the auth item table
	 * @return Item the populated auth item instance (either Role or Permission)
	protected function populateItem($row)
		$class = $row['type'] == Item::TYPE_PERMISSION ? Permission::className() : Role::className();

		if (!isset($row['data']) || ($data = @unserialize($row['data'])) === false) {
			$data = null;

		return new $class([
			'name' => $row['name'],
			'type' => $row['type'],
			'description' => $row['description'],
			'ruleName' => $row['rule_name'],
			'data' => $data,
			'createdAt' => $row['created_at'],
			'updatedAt' => $row['updated_at'],

	 * Checks whether there is a loop in the authorization item hierarchy.
	 * @param Item $parent the parent item
	 * @param Item $child the child item to be added to the hierarchy
	 * @return boolean whether a loop exists
	protected function detectLoop($parent, $child)
		if ($child->name === $parent->name) {
			return true;

		foreach ($this->getChildren($child->name) as $grandchild) {
			if ($this->detectLoop($parent, $grandchild)) {
				return true;
		return false;
