yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap API Documentation 2.0

This is the API Documentation for the yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap extension. Here you will find detailed information about all classes provided by this extension. Below you find a list of the existing classes, interfaces, and traits, ordered by their fully qualified name (including the namespace). Each of them has a dedicated page which contains a description about the purpose of the class, a list of the available methods, properties and constants, and detailed description on how to use each of them.

On this page you find all the classes included in version 2.0 of the extension. You can use the dropdown menu on the top right to switch between versions.

Class Description
yii\bootstrap\ActiveField A Bootstrap 3 enhanced version of \yii\widgets\ActiveField.
yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm A Bootstrap 3 enhanced version of \yii\widgets\ActiveForm.
yii\bootstrap\Alert Alert renders an alert bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml BaseHtml provides concrete implementation for yii\bootstrap\Html.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap css files.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapPluginAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap javascript files.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapThemeAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap default theme.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapWidgetTrait BootstrapWidgetTrait is the trait, which provides basic for all bootstrap widgets features.
yii\bootstrap\Button Button renders a bootstrap button.
yii\bootstrap\ButtonDropdown ButtonDropdown renders a group or split button dropdown bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap\ButtonGroup ButtonGroup renders a button group bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap\Carousel Carousel renders a carousel bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap\Collapse Collapse renders an accordion bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap\Dropdown Dropdown renders a Bootstrap dropdown menu component.
yii\bootstrap\Html Html is an enhanced version of \yii\helpers\Html helper class dedicated to the Bootstrap needs.
yii\bootstrap\InputWidget InputWidget is an adjusted for bootstrap needs version of \yii\widgets\InputWidget.
yii\bootstrap\Modal Modal renders a modal window that can be toggled by clicking on a button.
yii\bootstrap\Nav Nav renders a nav HTML component.
yii\bootstrap\NavBar NavBar renders a navbar HTML component.
yii\bootstrap\Progress Progress renders a bootstrap progress bar component.
yii\bootstrap\Tabs Tabs renders a Tab bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap\ToggleButtonGroup ToggleButtonGroup allows rendering form inputs Checkbox/Radio toggle button groups.
yii\bootstrap\Widget \yii\bootstrap\Widget is the base class for all bootstrap widgets.