Wiki articles tagged with "XML"

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

REST API and null values in XML

Created 7 years ago by marko60, updated 7 years ago by marko60.

I have been working on a REST API using the excellent tools provided by Yii2. My problem was that I have to differentiate between empty values and null values. In other words, <elem></elem> is different from null as it represents an empty string. Also, although some use <elem/> to represent a null value it should still be interpreted as an empty string. In other cases, the absence of the eleme...

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0 follower
Viewed: 19 711 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips
Tags: null, REST, XML

Integrate Zend 2 XML writer into Yii

Created 10 years ago by Jonny, updated 10 years ago by CeBe.

By Integrating the Zend 2.* framework into Yii you can quickly and painlessly generate XML outputs from your controllers. This will be helpful to anyone who has never done this before or only done it with Zend 1 as the introduction of namespaces can be strange when you first view them.

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Viewed: 48 793 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: XML, zend

Create sitemap.xml file dynamically on root folder with one hit

Created 11 years ago by kiran sharma, updated 11 years ago by kiran sharma.

I had created one controller file which can create sitemap.xml file(which is used for seo, google crawler and many other puropse) dynamically with one run.

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Viewed: 63 880 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: SEO, SiteMap, XML