Wiki articles

Showing 21-40 of 164 items.

What to do when composer fails to update your vendor packages?

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.
  • Running a composer update does not fetch any new packages (even though the source is updated)
  • A specific vendor package never gets updated
  • Facing on and off problems when fetching packages while performing composer update.
  • You ran a composer update earlier, but it was partially done, before you lost network connectivity, and you cannot refresh packages anymore.
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Viewed: 49 671 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Overcoming removal of client helpers (e.g. ajaxLink) and ClientScript in Yii 2.0

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

Alternatively, inline assets (JS/CSS) can be registered at runtime from within the View. For example you can clearly simulate the ajaxLink feature using a inline javascript. Its however recommended if you can merge where possible, client code (JS/CSS) into separate JS/CSS files and loaded through the AssetBundle. Note there is no more need of a CClientScript anymore:

1 2
Viewed: 43 447 times
Version: 2.0
Category: FAQs

FORM with GET method causes repeated stacking of URL Parameters

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by toph.

// In Yii 1.x $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', [

'id' => 'order-search-form',
'method' => 'get',

]); echo $form->textInput($searchModel, 'id'); echo CHtml::submitButton('Find', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']); $this->endWidget(); `

7 2
Viewed: 61 549 times
Version: all
Category: Tips

My Own Components Folder in Yii2

Created 9 years ago by CTala, updated 9 years ago by CTala.

In Yii1 I used to have my own components under the components folder of the structure, now with namespacing this is a little bit different.

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Viewed: 20 840 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Locking your Yii 2 project package versions with composer.lock

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

Ok, you have installed a Yii 2 basic or advanced app for the first time and completed the post install steps. You have picked up a few extensions to install for the first time as well. You would already see a composer.lock file in your application root folder.

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Viewed: 16 632 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Install specific Yii2 vendor extension & dependency without updating other packages.

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

The tips here are for advanced usages of composer and its assumed you have read about using composer and have a knowledge of your vendor packages to be updated. Let's consider, you want to update only one specific yii2 vendor library, without updating all the other extension packages?

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Viewed: 43 376 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Managing a star rating with the StarRating widget in Yii 2

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

In Yii 1.x, there was a built in widget CStarRating based on the jquery star rating plugin. There exists no prebuilt solution in Yii2, however the same concepts can be extended using any jquery plugin.

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Viewed: 24 119 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

How to store array/widget configuration to the database with config validation rules

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

Note the tag {{homeUrl}} will be dynamically replaced at runtime.

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Viewed: 23 687 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Managing your nested dropdown dependency with DepDrop widget

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

If you are coming over to Yii 2 from Yii 1.x, you may have already read this useful wiki for creating dependent dropdowns. You can use a similar approach in Yii 2 to do the same. But if you are looking at a prebuilt solution that helps you manage it easier, read along.

2 3
Viewed: 87 570 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Filter & Sort by Summary Data in GridView Yii 2.0

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

This wiki explains how to add summary data from related models into your Yii Framework 2.0 gridview with filtering and sorting by the summary columns.

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Viewed: 71 784 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Using the yii2-datecontrol extension along with yii2-detail-view widget

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

The yii2-datecontrol extension allows you to control separate date formats for display and saving for form inputs.

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Viewed: 20 988 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Displaying uploaded file from DB for update with FileInput widget

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

This is for folks who are using \kartik\widgets\FileInput to upload files from your client. How do you display an image for update after you have uploaded it to the server using the widget?

2 3
Viewed: 61 791 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Yii2 and Pdf files with Mpdf

Created 9 years ago by CTala, updated 9 years ago by CTala.

I am still new to composer and packagist, so I want to share how I am creating the pdf files because for me was not as simple as it should be.

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Viewed: 32 061 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Model validation for field ranges using yii2-field-range extension

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

The yii2-field-range extension enables you to easily setup ActiveField range fields with Bootstrap styling. You basically can setup two attributes joined together like a single field with combined validation error block.

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Viewed: 27 705 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Key web server settings after installing a fresh Yii 2 basic or advanced app

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

So, you have installed a brand new Yii 2 app (basic) or (advanced). Here are a few tips for Apache web server users to get things running more secure and better with your yii2 app.

3 0
Viewed: 29 119 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

using 'whenClient' for complex client side validation

Created 9 years ago by thiagoc7, updated 9 years ago by thiagoc7.

You have a 'Category' model with Id, Name and Visibility (boolean, where 0 = Public, and 1 = Private).

1 0
Viewed: 25 094 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Automatically get the SVN Revision Number of your Project

Created 10 years ago by jcagentzero, updated 9 years ago by jcagentzero.

When you are handling so many projects and those projects are saved in different repository locations, you may find it very difficult to keep track all the versions and revisions manually and it will be much harder if you are developing in multiple repository branches.

3 0
Viewed: 12 858 times
Version: all
Category: Tutorials

Editing, Deleting, and Viewing model data with the yii2-detail-view extension

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

The yii2-detail-view extension offers you an easy way to EDIT and VIEW your model data, toggle these modes, and adds other features. You can read the extension documentation and/or view a demo of this extension, to understand usage.

1 0
Viewed: 83 041 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Book Has Author - Many to Many relations using Kartik\Select2

Created 9 years ago by thiagoc7, updated 9 years ago by thiagoc7.

I could make this work following same useful tips from this post.

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Viewed: 64 995 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Managing different Bootstrap form layouts with yii2-field-range extension.

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

This wiki will explain how you can use the Field range extension with multiple Bootstrap form layouts (vertical or horizontal). You maybe aware, that the yii2-field-range extension enables you to easily setup ActiveField range fields with Bootstrap styling. You basically can setup two attributes joined together like a single field with combined validation error block.

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Viewed: 31 675 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos