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How to store array/widget configuration to the database with config validation rules


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How to store array/widget configuration to the database with config validation rules

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yii2, dynamic, model, save, widget, config, database, db, store, array

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The design approach involves creating the data structure to store the serialized array configurations with tags as variables that will be replaced at runtime. The rules/validators for validating the widget configuration, will also be stored serialized in a rules column. While running the widget at runtime, the rules will be validated dynamically using the yii\base\DynamicModel.

### 1. Data Structure
Create a table `tbl_widget_config` in your database with the following minimum columns. Create a model called
`WidgetConfig` for this table through gii.

### 3. Validating Config and running widget
You can use your own custom validator to parse any tags (as called in the example above but not yet described here) or simply use a 'parseTags' function such as in the following example ... ```php // Parse tags public static function parseConfigTags($config) {
return unserialize(strtr($config, [
'{{homeUrl}}' => Yii::$app->homeUrl,
// Retrieve the configuration
public function runWidget($configId) {
$dbWidget = WidgetConfig::find
One($configId)->asArray(); $widgetConfig = \yii\base\DynamicModel::validateData( static::parseTags($dbWidget['->config']), static::parseTags($dbWidget['->rules']) ); // To run the widget call below  $class = $dbWidget['->class_name'];
::widget($widgetConfig->getAttributes()); } ```
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Viewed: 23 775 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials
Written by: Kartik V
Last updated by: Kartik V
Created on: May 6, 2014
Last updated: 10 years ago
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