yii2-scrypt Scrypt key derivation function for Yii2

yii2-scrypt ΒΆ

Scrypt key derivation function for Yii2

To use it just require this extension in your composer.json file:

"alexandernst/yii2-scrypt": "0.0.4",

And then add it to your components configuration in Yii2:

'components' => [
	'Scrypt' => [
		'class' => 'alexandernst\Scrypt\Scrypt'

To derivate a key, use the following method:

* Scrypt algorithm
* @param  string $password
* @param  string $salt
* @param  int $n CPU/Memory cost parameter, must be larger than 1, a power of 2 and less than 2^(128 * r / 8)
* @param  int $r Block size
* @param  int $p Parallelization parameter, a positive integer less than or equal to ((2^32-1) * hLen) / MFLen where hLen is 32 and MFlen is 128 * r
* @param  int $length Length of the output key
* @throws Exception
* @return string
echo bin2hex(\Yii::$app->Scrypt->calc("plain password", "salt", 8, 8, 16, 32));

This class passes all the tests specified in the documentation.

Project's GitHub

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Yii Version: 2.0
License: GPL-3.0
Category: Security
Developed by: alexandernst
Created on: Apr 4, 2015
Last updated: 9 years ago

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