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Package system.base
Inheritance interface IWebUser
Subclasses CWebUser
Since 1.0
Version $Id$
Source Code framework/base/interfaces.php
IWebUser interface is implemented by a user application component.

A user application component represents the identity information for the current user.

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
checkAccess() Performs access check for this user. IWebUser
getId() Returns a value that uniquely represents the identity. IWebUser
getIsGuest() Returns a value indicating whether the user is a guest (not authenticated). IWebUser
getName() Returns the display name for the identity (e.g. username). IWebUser

Method Details

checkAccess() method
abstract public boolean checkAccess(string $operation, array $params=array ( ))
$operation string the name of the operation that need access check.
$params array name-value pairs that would be passed to business rules associated with the tasks and roles assigned to the user.
{return} boolean whether the operations can be performed by this user.
Source Code: framework/base/interfaces.php#328 (show)
public function checkAccess($operation,$params=array());

Performs access check for this user.

getId() method
abstract public mixed getId()
{return} mixed a value that uniquely represents the identity (e.g. primary key value).
Source Code: framework/base/interfaces.php#310 (show)
public function getId();

Returns a value that uniquely represents the identity.

getIsGuest() method
abstract public boolean getIsGuest()
{return} boolean whether the user is a guest (not authenticated)
Source Code: framework/base/interfaces.php#320 (show)
public function getIsGuest();

Returns a value indicating whether the user is a guest (not authenticated).

getName() method
abstract public string getName()
{return} string the display name for the identity.
Source Code: framework/base/interfaces.php#315 (show)
public function getName();

Returns the display name for the identity (e.g. username).