Class yii\redis\ActiveQuery

Inheritanceyii\redis\ActiveQuery » yii\base\Component
Uses Traitsyii\db\ActiveQueryTrait, yii\db\ActiveRelationTrait, yii\db\QueryTrait
Available since extension's version2.0
Source Code

ActiveQuery represents a query associated with an Active Record class.

An ActiveQuery can be a normal query or be used in a relational context.

ActiveQuery instances are usually created by yii\redis\ActiveRecord::find(). Relational queries are created by ActiveRecord::hasOne() and ActiveRecord::hasMany().

Normal Query

ActiveQuery mainly provides the following methods to retrieve the query results:

  • one(): returns a single record populated with the first row of data.
  • all(): returns all records based on the query results.
  • count(): returns the number of records.
  • sum(): returns the sum over the specified column.
  • average(): returns the average over the specified column.
  • min(): returns the min over the specified column.
  • max(): returns the max over the specified column.
  • scalar(): returns the value of the first column in the first row of the query result.
  • exists(): returns a value indicating whether the query result has data or not.

You can use query methods, such as where(), limit() and orderBy() to customize the query options.

ActiveQuery also provides the following additional query options:

  • with(): list of relations that this query should be performed with.
  • indexBy(): the name of the column by which the query result should be indexed.
  • asArray(): whether to return each record as an array.

These options can be configured using methods of the same name. For example:

$customers = Customer::find()->with('orders')->asArray()->all();

Relational query

In relational context ActiveQuery represents a relation between two Active Record classes.

Relational ActiveQuery instances are usually created by calling ActiveRecord::hasOne() and ActiveRecord::hasMany(). An Active Record class declares a relation by defining a getter method which calls one of the above methods and returns the created ActiveQuery object.

A relation is specified by link which represents the association between columns of different tables; and the multiplicity of the relation is indicated by multiple.

If a relation involves a junction table, it may be specified by via(). This methods may only be called in a relational context. Same is true for inverseOf(), which marks a relation as inverse of another relation.

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
__construct() Constructor. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
all() Executes the query and returns all results as an array. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
average() Returns the average of the specified column values. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
column() Executes the query and returns the first column of the result. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
count() Returns the number of records. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
exists() Returns a value indicating whether the query result contains any row of data. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
init() Initializes the object. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
max() Returns the maximum of the specified column values. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
min() Returns the minimum of the specified column values. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
one() Executes the query and returns a single row of result. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
scalar() Returns the query result as a scalar value. yii\redis\ActiveQuery
sum() Returns the number of records. yii\redis\ActiveQuery

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
executeScript() Executes a script created by yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder yii\redis\ActiveQuery


Hide inherited events

Event Type Description Defined By
EVENT_INIT yii\redis\Event An event that is triggered when the query is initialized via init(). yii\redis\ActiveQuery

Method Details

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__construct() public method


public void __construct ( $modelClass, $config = [] )
$modelClass string

The model class associated with this query

$config array

Configurations to be applied to the newly created query object

                public function __construct($modelClass, $config = [])
    $this->modelClass = $modelClass;

all() public method

Executes the query and returns all results as an array.

public array|yii\redis\ActiveRecord[] all ( $db null )
$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return array|yii\redis\ActiveRecord[]

The query results. If the query results in nothing, an empty array will be returned.

                public function all($db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return [];
    // TODO add support for orderBy
    $data = $this->executeScript($db, 'All');
    if (empty($data)) {
        return [];
    $rows = [];
    foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
        $row = [];
        $c = count($dataRow);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
            $row[$dataRow[$i++]] = $dataRow[$i++];
        $rows[] = $row;
    if (empty($rows)) {
        return [];
    $models = $this->createModels($rows);
    if (!empty($this->with)) {
        $this->findWith($this->with, $models);
    if ($this->indexBy !== null) {
        $indexedModels = [];
        if (is_string($this->indexBy)) {
            foreach ($models as $model) {
                $key = $model[$this->indexBy];
                $indexedModels[$key] = $model;
        } else {
            foreach ($models as $model) {
                $key = call_user_func($this->indexBy, $model);
                $indexedModels[$key] = $model;
        $models = $indexedModels;
    if (!$this->asArray) {
        foreach ($models as $model) {
    return $models;

average() public method

Returns the average of the specified column values.

public integer average ( $column, $db null )
$column string

The column name or expression. Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return integer

The average of the specified column values.

                public function average($column, $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return 0;
    return $this->executeScript($db, 'Average', $column);

column() public method

Executes the query and returns the first column of the result.

public array column ( $column, $db null )
$column string

Name of the column to select

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return array

The first column of the query result. An empty array is returned if the query results in nothing.

                public function column($column, $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return [];
    // TODO add support for orderBy
    return $this->executeScript($db, 'Column', $column);

count() public method

Returns the number of records.

public integer count ( $q '*', $db null )
$q string

The COUNT expression. This parameter is ignored by this implementation.

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return integer

Number of records

                public function count($q = '*', $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return 0;
    if ($this->where === null) {
        /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
        $modelClass = $this->modelClass;
        if ($db === null) {
            $db = $modelClass::getDb();
        return $db->executeCommand('LLEN', [$modelClass::keyPrefix()]);
    return $this->executeScript($db, 'Count');

executeScript() protected method

Executes a script created by yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder

protected array|boolean|null|string executeScript ( $db, $type, $columnName null )
$db yii\redis\Connection|null

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

$type string

The type of the script to generate

$columnName string
throws \yii\base\NotSupportedException

                protected function executeScript($db, $type, $columnName = null)
    if ($this->primaryModel !== null) {
        // lazy loading
        if ($this->via instanceof self) {
            // via junction table
            $viaModels = $this->via->findJunctionRows([$this->primaryModel]);
        } elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
            // via relation
            /* @var $viaQuery ActiveQuery */
            list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via;
            if ($viaQuery->multiple) {
                $viaModels = $viaQuery->all();
                $this->primaryModel->populateRelation($viaName, $viaModels);
            } else {
                $model = $viaQuery->one();
                $this->primaryModel->populateRelation($viaName, $model);
                $viaModels = $model === null ? [] : [$model];
        } else {
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $this->modelClass;
    if ($db === null) {
        $db = $modelClass::getDb();
    // find by primary key if possible. This is much faster than scanning all records
    if (
        && (
            (!isset($this->where[0]) && $modelClass::isPrimaryKey(array_keys($this->where)))
            || (isset($this->where[0]) && $this->where[0] === 'in' && $modelClass::isPrimaryKey((array) $this->where[1]))
    ) {
        return $this->findByPk($db, $type, $columnName);
    $method = 'build' . $type;
    $script = $db->getLuaScriptBuilder()->$method($this, $columnName);
    return $db->executeCommand('EVAL', [$script, 0]);

exists() public method

Returns a value indicating whether the query result contains any row of data.

public boolean exists ( $db null )
$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return boolean

Whether the query result contains any row of data.

                public function exists($db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return false;
    return $this->one($db) !== null;

init() public method

Initializes the object.

This method is called at the end of the constructor. The default implementation will trigger an EVENT_INIT event. If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation at the end to ensure triggering of the event.

public void init ( )

                public function init()

max() public method

Returns the maximum of the specified column values.

public integer max ( $column, $db null )
$column string

The column name or expression. Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return integer

The maximum of the specified column values.

                public function max($column, $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return null;
    return $this->executeScript($db, 'Max', $column);

min() public method

Returns the minimum of the specified column values.

public integer min ( $column, $db null )
$column string

The column name or expression. Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return integer

The minimum of the specified column values.

                public function min($column, $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return null;
    return $this->executeScript($db, 'Min', $column);

one() public method

Executes the query and returns a single row of result.

public yii\redis\ActiveRecord|array|null one ( $db null )
$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return yii\redis\ActiveRecord|array|null

A single row of query result. Depending on the setting of asArray, the query result may be either an array or an ActiveRecord object. Null will be returned if the query results in nothing.

                public function one($db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return null;
    // TODO add support for orderBy
    $data = $this->executeScript($db, 'One');
    if (empty($data)) {
        return null;
    $row = [];
    $c = count($data);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
        $row[$data[$i++]] = $data[$i++];
    if ($this->asArray) {
        $model = $row;
    } else {
        /* @var $class ActiveRecord */
        $class = $this->modelClass;
        $model = $class::instantiate($row);
        $class = get_class($model);
        $class::populateRecord($model, $row);
    if (!empty($this->with)) {
        $models = [$model];
        $this->findWith($this->with, $models);
        $model = $models[0];
    if (!$this->asArray) {
    return $model;

scalar() public method

Returns the query result as a scalar value.

The value returned will be the specified attribute in the first record of the query results.

public string scalar ( $attribute, $db null )
$attribute string

Name of the attribute to select

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return string

The value of the specified attribute in the first record of the query result. Null is returned if the query result is empty.

                public function scalar($attribute, $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return null;
    $record = $this->one($db);
    if ($record !== null) {
        return $record->hasAttribute($attribute) ? $record->$attribute : null;
    return null;

sum() public method

Returns the number of records.

public integer sum ( $column, $db null )
$column string

The column to sum up

$db yii\redis\Connection

The database connection used to execute the query. If this parameter is not given, the db application component will be used.

return integer

Number of records

                public function sum($column, $db = null)
    if ($this->emulateExecution) {
        return 0;
    return $this->executeScript($db, 'Sum', $column);


Event Details

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EVENT_INIT event of type yii\redis\Event

An event that is triggered when the query is initialized via init().