Class yii\faker\FixtureController

Inheritanceyii\faker\FixtureController » yii\console\controllers\FixtureController
Available since extension's version2.0.0
Source Code

This command creates fixtures based on a given template.

Fixtures are one of the important paths in unit testing. To speed up developers work these fixtures can be generated automatically, based on prepared template. This command is a simple wrapper for the Faker library.

You should configure your application as follows (you can use any alias, not only "fixture"):

'controllerMap' => [
    'fixture' => [
        'class' => 'yii\faker\FixtureController',

To start using the command you need to be familiar (read guide) with the Faker library and generate fixtures template files, according to the given format:

// users.php file under template path (by default @tests/unit/templates/fixtures)
return [
    'name' => $faker->firstName,
    'phone' => $faker->phoneNumber,
    'city' => $faker->city,
    'password' => Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generatePasswordHash('password_' . $index),
    'auth_key' => Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString(),
    'intro' => $faker->sentence(7, true),  // generate a sentence with 7 words

If you use callback as an attribute value it will be called with the following three parameters:

  • $faker: the Faker generator instance
  • $index: the current fixture index. For example if user need to generate 3 fixtures for user table, it will be 0..2.

After you set all needed fields in callback, you need to return $fixture array back from the callback.

After you prepared needed templates for tables you can simply generate your fixtures via command

yii fixture/generate user

//generate fixtures from several templates, for example:
yii fixture/generate user profile team

In the code above "users" is template name, after this command run, new file named same as template will be created under the $fixtureDataPath folder. You can generate fixtures for all templates, for example:

yii fixture/generate-all

This command will generate fixtures for all template files that are stored under $templatePath and store fixtures under $fixtureDataPath with file names same as templates names.

You can specify how many fixtures per file you need by the second parameter. In the code below we generate all fixtures and in each file there will be 3 rows (fixtures).

yii fixture/generate-all --count=3

You can specify different options of this command:

//generate fixtures in russian language
yii fixture/generate user --count=5 --language=ru_RU

//read templates from the other path
yii fixture/generate-all --templatePath=@app/path/to/my/custom/templates

//generate fixtures into other folders
yii fixture/generate-all --fixtureDataPath=@tests/unit/fixtures/subfolder1/subfolder2/subfolder3

You can see all available templates by running command:

//list all templates under default template path (i.e. '@tests/unit/templates/fixtures')
yii fixture/templates

//list all templates under specified template path
yii fixture/templates --templatePath='@app/path/to/my/custom/templates'

You also can create your own data providers for custom tables fields, see Faker library guide for more info (; After you created custom provider, for example:

class Book extends \Faker\Provider\Base

    public function title($nbWords = 5)
        $sentence = $this->generator->sentence($nbWords);
        return mb_substr($sentence, 0, mb_strlen($sentence) - 1);


you can use it by adding it to the $providers property of the current command. In your console.php config:

return [
   'controllerMap' => [
       'fixture' => [
           'class' => 'yii\faker\FixtureController',
           'providers' => [
       // ...
   // ...

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$count integer Total count of data per fixture. yii\faker\FixtureController
$fixtureDataPath string Alias to the fixture data path, where data files should be written. yii\faker\FixtureController
$generator \Faker\Generator This property is read-only. yii\faker\FixtureController
$language string Language to use when generating fixtures data. yii\faker\FixtureController
$providers array Additional data providers that can be created by user and will be added to the Faker generator. yii\faker\FixtureController
$templatePath string Alias to the template path, where all tables templates are stored. yii\faker\FixtureController

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
actionGenerate() Generates fixtures and fill them with Faker data. yii\faker\FixtureController
actionGenerateAll() Generates all fixtures template path that can be found. yii\faker\FixtureController
actionTemplates() Lists all available fixtures template files. yii\faker\FixtureController
addProviders() Adds users providers to the faker generator. yii\faker\FixtureController
beforeAction() yii\faker\FixtureController
checkPaths() Check if the template path and migrations path exists and writable. yii\faker\FixtureController
confirmGeneration() Prompts user with message if he confirm generation with given fixture templates files. yii\faker\FixtureController
exportFixtures() Returns exported to the string representation of given fixtures array. yii\faker\FixtureController
generateFixture() Generates fixture from given template yii\faker\FixtureController
generateFixtureFile() Generates fixture file by the given fixture template file. yii\faker\FixtureController
getGenerator() Returns Faker generator instance. Getter for private property. yii\faker\FixtureController
options() yii\faker\FixtureController

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
findTemplatesFiles() Returns array containing fixtures templates file names. You can specify what files to find by the given parameter. yii\faker\FixtureController
notifyNoTemplatesFound() Notifies user that there was not found any files matching given input conditions. yii\faker\FixtureController
notifyNotFoundTemplates() Notifies user that given fixtures template files were not found. yii\faker\FixtureController
notifyTemplatesCanBeGenerated() Notifies user about templates which could be generated. yii\faker\FixtureController
notifyTemplatesGenerated() Notifies user that given fixtures template files were generated. yii\faker\FixtureController

Property Details

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$count public property

Total count of data per fixture. Defaults to 2.

public integer $count 2
$fixtureDataPath public property

Alias to the fixture data path, where data files should be written.

public string $fixtureDataPath '@tests/unit/fixtures/data'
$generator public property

This property is read-only.

public \Faker\Generator $generator null
$language public property

Language to use when generating fixtures data.

public string $language null
$providers public property

Additional data providers that can be created by user and will be added to the Faker generator. More info in Faker library docs.

public array $providers = []
$templatePath public property

Alias to the template path, where all tables templates are stored.

public string $templatePath '@tests/unit/templates/fixtures'

Method Details

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actionGenerate() public method

Generates fixtures and fill them with Faker data.

For example,

//generate fixtures in russian language
yii fixture/generate user --count=5 --language=ru_RU

//generate several fixtures
yii fixture/generate user profile team
public void actionGenerate ( )
throws \yii\base\InvalidParamException
throws \yii\console\Exception

                public function actionGenerate()
    $templatesInput = func_get_args();
    if (empty($templatesInput)) {
        throw new Exception('You should specify input fixtures template files');
    $foundTemplates = $this->findTemplatesFiles($templatesInput);
    $notFoundTemplates = array_diff($templatesInput, $foundTemplates);
    if ($notFoundTemplates) {
    if (!$foundTemplates) {
        return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
    if (!$this->confirmGeneration($foundTemplates)) {
        return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
    $templatePath = Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath);
    $fixtureDataPath = Yii::getAlias($this->fixtureDataPath);
    $generatedTemplates = [];
    foreach ($foundTemplates as $templateName) {
        $this->generateFixtureFile($templateName, $templatePath, $fixtureDataPath);
        $generatedTemplates[] = $templateName;

actionGenerateAll() public method

Generates all fixtures template path that can be found.

public void actionGenerateAll ( )

                public function actionGenerateAll()
    $foundTemplates = $this->findTemplatesFiles();
    if (!$foundTemplates) {
        return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
    if (!$this->confirmGeneration($foundTemplates)) {
        return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
    $templatePath = Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath);
    $fixtureDataPath = Yii::getAlias($this->fixtureDataPath);
    $generatedTemplates = [];
    foreach ($foundTemplates as $templateName) {
        $this->generateFixtureFile($templateName, $templatePath, $fixtureDataPath);            
        $generatedTemplates[] = $templateName;

actionTemplates() public method

Lists all available fixtures template files.

public void actionTemplates ( )

                public function actionTemplates()
    $foundTemplates = $this->findTemplatesFiles();
    if (!$foundTemplates) {
    } else {

addProviders() public method

Adds users providers to the faker generator.

public void addProviders ( )

                public function addProviders()
    foreach ($this->providers as $provider) {
        $this->generator->addProvider(new $provider($this->generator));

beforeAction() public method

public void beforeAction ( $action )

                public function beforeAction($action)
    if (parent::beforeAction($action)) {
        return true;
    return false;

checkPaths() public method

Check if the template path and migrations path exists and writable.

public void checkPaths ( )

                public function checkPaths()
    $path = Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath, false);
    if (!$path || !is_dir($path)) {
        throw new Exception("The template path \"{$this->templatePath}\" does not exist");

confirmGeneration() public method

Prompts user with message if he confirm generation with given fixture templates files.

public boolean confirmGeneration ( $files )
$files array

                public function confirmGeneration($files)
    $this->stdout("Fixtures will be generated under the path: \n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
    $this->stdout("\t" . Yii::getAlias($this->fixtureDataPath) . "\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
    $this->stdout("Templates will be taken from path: \n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
    $this->stdout("\t" . Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath) . "\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
    foreach ($files as $fileName) {
        $this->stdout("\t* " . $fileName . "\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
    return $this->confirm('Generate above fixtures?');

exportFixtures() public method

Returns exported to the string representation of given fixtures array.

public string exportFixtures ( $fixtures )
$fixtures array
return string

Exported fixtures format

                public function exportFixtures($fixtures)
    return "<?php\n\nreturn " . VarDumper::export($fixtures) . ";\n";

findTemplatesFiles() protected method (available since version 2.0.4)

Returns array containing fixtures templates file names. You can specify what files to find by the given parameter.

protected array findTemplatesFiles ( array $templatesNames = [] )
$templatesNames array

Template file names to search. If empty then all files will be searched.

                protected function findTemplatesFiles(array $templatesNames = [])
    $findAll = ($templatesNames == []);
    if ($findAll) {
        $files = FileHelper::findFiles(Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath), ['only' => ['*.php']]);
    } else {
        $filesToSearch = [];
        foreach ($templatesNames as $fileName) {
            $filesToSearch[] = $fileName . '.php';
        $files = FileHelper::findFiles(Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath), ['only' => $filesToSearch]);
    $foundTemplates = [];
    foreach ($files as $fileName) {
        // strip templatePath from current template's full path
        $relativeName = str_replace(Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $fileName);
        $relativeDir = dirname($relativeName) == '.' ? '' : dirname($relativeName) . '/';
        // strip extension
        $relativeName = $relativeDir . basename($relativeName,'.php');
        $foundTemplates[] = $relativeName;
    return $foundTemplates;

generateFixture() public method

Generates fixture from given template

public array generateFixture ( $_template_, $index )
$_template_ string

The fixture template file

$index integer

The current fixture index

return array


                public function generateFixture($_template_, $index)
    // $faker and $index are exposed to the template file
    $faker = $this->getGenerator();
    return require($_template_);

generateFixtureFile() public method

Generates fixture file by the given fixture template file.

public void generateFixtureFile ( $templateName, $templatePath, $fixtureDataPath )
$templateName string

Template file name

$templatePath string

Path where templates are stored

$fixtureDataPath string

Fixture data path where generated file should be written

                public function generateFixtureFile($templateName, $templatePath, $fixtureDataPath)
    $fixtures = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < $this->count; $i++) {
        $fixtures[$templateName . $i] = $this->generateFixture($templatePath . '/' . $templateName . '.php', $i);
    $content = $this->exportFixtures($fixtures);
    // data file full path
    $dataFile = $fixtureDataPath . '/'. $templateName . '.php';
    // data file directory, create if it doesn't exist
    $dataFileDir = dirname($dataFile);
    if (!file_exists($dataFileDir)) {
    file_put_contents($dataFile, $content);

getGenerator() public method

Returns Faker generator instance. Getter for private property.

public \Faker\Generator getGenerator ( )

                public function getGenerator()
    if ($this->_generator === null) {
        $language = $this->language === null ? Yii::$app->language : $this->language;
        $this->_generator = \Faker\Factory::create(str_replace('-', '_', $language));
    return $this->_generator;

notifyNoTemplatesFound() protected method (available since version 2.0.4)

Notifies user that there was not found any files matching given input conditions.

protected void notifyNoTemplatesFound ( )

                protected function notifyNoTemplatesFound()
    $this->stdout("No fixtures template files matching input conditions were found under the path:\n\n", Console::FG_RED);
    $this->stdout("\t " . Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath) . " \n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);

notifyNotFoundTemplates() protected method (available since version 2.0.4)

Notifies user that given fixtures template files were not found.

protected void notifyNotFoundTemplates ( $templatesNames )
$templatesNames array

                protected function notifyNotFoundTemplates($templatesNames)
    $this->stdout("The following fixtures templates were NOT found:\n\n", Console::FG_RED);
    foreach ($templatesNames as $name) {
        $this->stdout("\t * $name \n", Console::FG_GREEN);

notifyTemplatesCanBeGenerated() protected method (available since version 2.0.4)

Notifies user about templates which could be generated.

protected void notifyTemplatesCanBeGenerated ( $templatesNames )
$templatesNames array

                protected function notifyTemplatesCanBeGenerated($templatesNames)
    $this->stdout("Template files path: ", Console::FG_YELLOW);
    $this->stdout(Yii::getAlias($this->templatePath) . "\n\n", Console::FG_GREEN);
    foreach ($templatesNames as $name) {
        $this->stdout("\t* " . $name . "\n", Console::FG_GREEN);

notifyTemplatesGenerated() protected method (available since version 2.0.4)

Notifies user that given fixtures template files were generated.

protected void notifyTemplatesGenerated ( $templatesNames )
$templatesNames array

                protected function notifyTemplatesGenerated($templatesNames)
    $this->stdout("The following fixtures template files were generated:\n\n", Console::FG_YELLOW);
    foreach ($templatesNames as $name) {
        $this->stdout("\t* " . $name . "\n", Console::FG_GREEN);

options() public method

public void options ( $actionID )

                public function options($actionID)
    return array_merge(parent::options($actionID), [
        'templatePath', 'language', 'fixtureDataPath', 'count'