Class yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult

Inheritanceyii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult » yii\base\BaseObject
Available since extension's version2.0.4
Source Code

BatchQueryResult represents a batch query from which you can retrieve data in batches.

You usually do not instantiate BatchQueryResult directly. Instead, you obtain it by calling yii\elasticsearch\Query::batch() or yii\elasticsearch\Query::each(). Because BatchQueryResult implements the Iterator interface, you can iterate it to obtain a batch of data in each iteration.

Batch size is determined by the Query::$limit setting. Query::$offset setting is ignored. New batches will be obtained until the server runs out of results.

If Query::$orderBy parameter is not set, batches will be processed using the highly efficient "scan" mode. In this case, Query::$limit setting determines batch size per shard. See Elasticsearch guide for more information.

Example: `php $query = (new Query)->from('user'); foreach ($query->batch() as $i => $users) {

// $users represents the rows in the $i-th batch

} foreach ($query->each() as $user) { } `

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$db yii\elasticsearch\Connection The DB connection to be used when performing batch query. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
$each boolean Whether to return a single row during each iteration. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
$query yii\elasticsearch\Query The query object associated with this batch query. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
$scrollWindow string The amount of time to keep the scroll window open (in Elasticsearch time units. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
__destruct() Destructor. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
current() Returns the current dataset. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
key() Returns the index of the current dataset. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
next() Moves the internal pointer to the next dataset. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
reset() Resets the batch query. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
rewind() Resets the iterator to the initial state. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult
valid() Returns whether there is a valid dataset at the current position. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
fetchData() Fetches the next batch of data. yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult

Property Details

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$db public property

The DB connection to be used when performing batch query. If null, the elasticsearch application component will be used.

$each public property

Whether to return a single row during each iteration. If false, a whole batch of rows will be returned in each iteration.

public boolean $each false
$query public property

The query object associated with this batch query. Do not modify this property directly unless after reset() is called explicitly.

$scrollWindow public property

The amount of time to keep the scroll window open (in Elasticsearch time units.

public string $scrollWindow '1m'

Method Details

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__destruct() public method


public void __destruct ( )

                public function __destruct()
    // make sure cursor is closed

current() public method

Returns the current dataset.

This method is required by the interface Iterator.

public mixed current ( )
return mixed

The current dataset.

public function current()
    return $this->_value;

fetchData() protected method

Fetches the next batch of data.

protected array fetchData ( )
return array

The data fetched

                protected function fetchData()
    if (null === $this->_lastScrollId) {
        //first query - do search
        $options = ['scroll' => $this->scrollWindow];
        if(!$this->query->orderBy) {
            $query = clone $this->query;
            $cmd = $this->query->createCommand($this->db);
        } else {
            $cmd = $this->query->createCommand($this->db);
        $result = $cmd->search($options);
        if ($result === false) {
            throw new Exception('Elasticsearch search query failed.');
    } else {
        //subsequent queries - do scroll
        $result = $this->query->createCommand($this->db)->scroll([
            'scroll_id' => $this->_lastScrollId,
            'scroll' => $this->scrollWindow,
    //get last scroll id
    $this->_lastScrollId = $result['_scroll_id'];
    //get data
    return $this->query->populate($result['hits']['hits']);

key() public method

Returns the index of the current dataset.

This method is required by the interface Iterator.

public integer key ( )
return integer

The index of the current row.

public function key()
    return $this->_key;

next() public method

Moves the internal pointer to the next dataset.

This method is required by the interface Iterator.

public void next ( )

public function next()
    if ($this->_batch === null || !$this->each || $this->each && next($this->_batch) === false) {
        $this->_batch = $this->fetchData();
    if ($this->each) {
        $this->_value = current($this->_batch);
        if ($this->query->indexBy !== null) {
            $this->_key = key($this->_batch);
        } elseif (key($this->_batch) !== null) {
        } else {
            $this->_key = null;
    } else {
        $this->_value = $this->_batch;
        $this->_key = $this->_key === null ? 0 : $this->_key + 1;

reset() public method

Resets the batch query.

This method will clean up the existing batch query so that a new batch query can be performed.

public void reset ( )

                public function reset()
    if(isset($this->_lastScrollId)) {
        $this->query->createCommand($this->db)->clearScroll(['scroll_id' => $this->_lastScrollId]);
    $this->_batch = null;
    $this->_value = null;
    $this->_key = null;
    $this->_lastScrollId = null;

rewind() public method

Resets the iterator to the initial state.

This method is required by the interface Iterator.

public void rewind ( )

public function rewind()

valid() public method

Returns whether there is a valid dataset at the current position.

This method is required by the interface Iterator.

public boolean valid ( )
return boolean

Whether there is a valid dataset at the current position.

public function valid()
    return !empty($this->_batch);